Welcome to the home page of the IRPA, The Imperial Roman Provisional
Army- North America, Formerly known as the The Imperial Southern Provisional Army, we have simply grown beyond the south!!
thus a name change was in order. The IRPA is a loose organization of Roman Reenactors, Legions, Gladiators, Citizens,
Auxila, and Enemies of Rome in the Southeastern United States. Its stated purpose is to facilitate cooperation and growth
between its member units.
The IRPA does not collect dues or funds, and member units may be
run as they please. Basic requirements for joining are three members in a group (though individuals are free to join
our email list too!!), and meet our minimum authenticity standards. Most of our units have higher standards, and these
are to be encouraged, but the AIRPA does not exist to tell you how to run your group, just to foment cooperation between units
in North America.
IRPA units Sponsor several events annually including Castra Romana
in South Carolina, Memorial Day Timeline in Georgia, and the AD43 Lafe Encampment in Arkansas. Basically this means
they are considered "maximum effort" events (in other words, everyone should try to go!!).
The IRPA also maintains a "growing" drill manual in conjunction
with the Ludus Militis "School of the Soldier" Project, www.ludusmilitis.org in latin. This manual evolves, but units should endeavor to at least be familiar with the drill for IRPA events,
though we encourage you to adopt it for your unit.
We are in need of period enemies! If you are a celt, pict,
or gaul willing to fight against Rome, contact us!
Please feel free to contact us for any questions!

Imperial Roman Provisional
Army 104 hunters Wood Drive
Summerville, SC, USA 29485
Or e-mail:
Legio II, ISPA |

www.clashofiron.org |

