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Articles of Cooperation

The ISPA , preventing Civil War since 1991

Imperial Roman Provisional Army- N. America


Articles of Cooperation


I. Name: Imperial Roman Provisional Army


II. Purpose:

A. To create a regional organization for North American Imperial Roman Era Reenactors.

B. Portray the common infantry soldier of the Imperial Roman Legion.

C. Coordinate events and activities for the benefit of its members.

D. Promote authenticity and safety.

E. Preserve history while teaching others.

F. Recruit other like-minded Legions to join.


III. Minimum Standards

A. Safety

1. Health and safety of all participants and spectators are the first and foremost directive of the organization.

2. Safety is the responsibility of all members. However, members holding positions of responsibility will shoulder the highest burden of enforcement.

3. Any Legion may withdraw from the field without prejudice if they reasonably feel that the health and/or safety of their men are in jeopardy.

4. Minimum age for a soldier on the field shall be 14.

5. Minimum age for functional musicians on the field shall be 12.

B. Authenticity

1. All equipment, gear and other items we use should be as historically accurate as possible in form, materials and function. Sometimes we substitute modern materials for ancient, for example the use of steel instead of iron or the use of machine woven cloth instead of hand woven. Whenever you can use an ancient method to reproduce an item you should. Safety is first and foremost, and we discourage the use of sharpened swords or daggers, or any brass cookware. These standards have been kept intentionally vague as each Legion in the IRPA has published standards that are generally much higher. Please contact your Centurio for your Legio Specifics.


2.General impression

a. No modern anachronisms shall be visible.

b. Grooming standards shall conform to period of primary portrayal.

c. Women may portray soldiers or musicians.

3.Military Camp

a. Appropriate tentage and cooking gear for the event. Leather tentage preferred, Canvas is acceptable.

b. Members may sleep outside of the military camp if they desire provided they make all required musters and military duties.

4. Implied Consent

a. Although participation in reenacting is voluntary, the purpose of portraying Roman soldiers requires that members submit to regulation military courtesies, responsibilities, control and discipline.

                         b. During events, all members are expected to show the appropriate behavior to the officers and non-commissioned officers appointed over them as if they were actually in the military. Play the part! Officers and NCO's are therefore expected to comport themselves in a manner beffitting command.

c. Attendance and participation at an event implies consent to military authority.


IV. Membership Requirements

A. Legion Qualification

1. Membership of a minimum three soldiers to be established by a Legion roster.

2. Member Legions must vote to ratify these Articles and be financially paid in full prior to being considered a member Legion.

V. Organizational Structure

A. Administrative

1. Executive Coordinator

a. Rotates to member Legions each six months in order of rotation.

b. Member Legion selects individual who will actually fill the position.

c. No Legion may coordinate more than once until the entire Board has had an


d. Any member Legion may decline their turn as coordinator.

e. Duties

(1) Maintains all external coordination.

(2) Maintains all records.

(3) Enter pre-registrations into rank matrix based on size of companies required

for the event.

(4) Collect pre-registration money and soldiers names and submits to the event organizers in a timely manner.

(5) Supervises all event commanders.

(6) Chairs all board meetings.

(7) After his term he will assist the new Executive Coordinator as required.

2. Event Commander.

a. Overall in charge of a given event.

b. Selected by member Legion or designated by matrix for each event.

c. Responsible for:

(1) Publication of event circular a minimum of 30 days before the event to include registration fees, scenarios, regulations for the event, directions to the event, and other pertinent information. May receive assistance from the Executive Coordinator.

(2) Upon approval of the Executive Coordinator, will notify all Legions of organization at least two weeks prior to the event.

(3) Will ensure that stores, rations, and armor/camp issues as required are prepared and transported for the pre-registered number of soldiers.

(4) Will command in the field.

(5) Will complete a post event summary form of the event including :

(a) All costs and expenditures, stores, rations, and ordinance issued.

(b) Number pre-registered, total in attendance, any discrepancies in pre-


(c) Any Problems encountered, special recognition and a journal of the event


3. Board of Trustees

a. Each Legion has one representative at their discretion.

b. The Board of Trustees shall be the overall governing body.

c. It shall meet at least semi-annually to review all directives and standards and to revise as necessary.

d. It shall also act as the review body for any problem situations which may arise.

e. It has the power to sanction a member Legion for non-compliance with these Articles after a complete review of the facts and a 2/3 thirds vote of member Legions.

f. The Board will give member Legions the opportunity to take disciplinary action on an offense prior to any action.


B. Field

1. Event Types: events shall be of two types, Legion sponsored (the individual legion controls rank and command issues) and IRPA Sponsored (National level events)


I. Legion Sponsored Events: Command and control is excercised by the legion planning the event, usually considered local events. The safety, impression, and behavioral guidlines of the IRPA should be adhered to, but the rank matrix is optional. Legions are invited to use the matrix to help fill in the command posoitions from all available groups and attendees.


II. Command of IRPA sponsored events

a. Command based on numbers of soldiers brought by individual legions. If the number od Soldiers warrants, more than one Legion may be represented. The Board of Trustees have the option to set minimum standards for rank holder impressions. Planning and communication for these events will be done through the executive coordinator or his designated Event Coordinator. IRPA standards and safety rules will be enforced.


VI. Meetings

A. Quorum

1. Fifty-One(51) percent of the member Legions are required to conduct any official business.

B. Rules of Order.

1. Robert's Rules of Order as modified shall be used when conducting meetings.

C. Agendas

1. Must be in writing and published in advance.

D. Notification

1. No meeting will be called without 2 weeks notification unless ALL member Legions agree.


VII. Modification

A. These articles may be amended by a 2/3 vote of ALL Legion members.

B. A copy of all amendments shall be filed with the original of these articles with the date of effect included on the page.



A. In the event of the organizations dissolvement, all assets are to be sold and the proceeds donated to a suitable Imperial Roman Legion preservation organization.


IX. Ratification

A. These articles become effective immediately upon a ratifying vote of the third member Legion.


Imperial Roman Provisional Army

Current Resolutions

- as of 1 January 2005


Resolution 2005-1:

IRPA calendar year will be from January through December.

Resolution 2005-2:

All new Legions requesting membership will be accepted upon the following criteria: Proof of three members, no outstanding financial obligations to Imperial Roman Provisional Army, acknowledged acceptance of the Articles of Cooperation and all current Resolutions in effect and after a majority vote in the affirmative of the Board of Representatives approving the Legion membership.




A vote on any new resolution brought before the Board of Representatives shall be postponed until the next regular meeting of the Board if so requested by any representative.



All Legion representatives and the Executive Coordinator must have access to email and the internet for meeting and communication purposes.



IRPA official events will be confined to the following categories:


Reenactments- Public demonstrations (Castra Romana)


Camps of instruction- (Board members organize/execute event; Legion-member rank-holders instruct attendees) (Drills/encampmenmts)

Mock Combats/Living Archeology Events- Non-public marches, combats and events solely for the purpose of learning what it was like to be a Roman Soldier. (Lafe)

Resolution- 2005-6:

The term of office of the Executive Coordinator shall be six calendar months from the time of assuming the duties. If the term of office ends after the 15th, he will continue in the duties until the first of the following month. The Executive Coordinator will compile pre-registration numbers and determine the event commander as well as all other rank according to the matrix on the pre-registration cutoff date. The Executive Coordinator can not represent any Legion and has no vote while serving in the office. He can suggest motions and amendments but they must be formally presented and seconded by member Legion representatives. The member Legion who is providing the Executive Coordinator is entitled to a voting representative in addition to the Executive Coordinator.


Resolution- 2005-7:

Online meetings shall be conducted on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 20:00 EST at the internet chatroom site designated by the Executive Coordinator. when possible, face to face meetings should be held at events.


Resolution- 2005-8:

Zero tolerance: Any member or guest of the IRPA caught using illegal substances at an IRPA event will be expelled from the event and not allowed to fall in at any future events.


Resolution 2005-9:

The following items shall be included in all post event reports by event commanders. All costs and expenditures, stores, rations, and items issued, number pre-registered, total in attendance, any discrepancies in pre-registration, problems encountered, special recognition and a journal of the event activities. Post event reports shall be published* no later than six weeks after the event is over. ( *published = one copy sent to each Legion representative and the Executive Coordinator)


Resolution- 2005-10:

No persons under the impairment of drugs or alcohol will hold rank at IRPA events. The Board of Representatives will determine impairment of potential rank holders and rule by majority vote.


IRPA-N America * Imperial Roman Provisional Army * Legions of North America, United!