ISPA List of Suppliers:
The following list of suppliers is intended to allow you a head start in locating your gear. Be sure
to check with your local commander before ordering anything, as individual legions may have specfic suppliers. This
list courtesy Legio XX.
Custom Armor and Helmets
Belt Parts
Metal--Brass, bronze, steel, etc.
Split Oak Strips
Reproduction Jewelry and Household Items
Tools (modern)
Coins and Antiquities
Miscellaneous--Home furnishings, Action Figures, etc.
Albion Armorers --421 Second Street, PO Box 66, New Glarus,
WI 53574 (For UPS - leave off PO Box info). 1-888-806-HELM, Carries the more accurate Deepeeka helmets (see below), plus higher-quality
items by other manufacturers. Excellent helmet crests, belt plates, and apron terminals. Good Corbridge A lorica
$500. Excellent Pompeii, Mainz, and Fulham gladii (go to "Swords" and "Albion Mark"). Pilum head, dolabra, spatha,
etc., with more on the way.
Lonely Mountain Forge--Joe Piela, Custom armor, helmets, and weapons. Imperial Gallic type A helmet
$300, type G with all brasswork c. $650, etc. Corbridge A lorica $650. Hand-forged swords--Pompeii, Fulham, or
Mainz, etc. Also scabbard decorations and more. Current backlog is about a year, but he delivers when he says
he will!
La Wren's Nest --Lawrence and Julie Brooks, 233 Route 197,
Woodstock, CT 06281, 860-928-6908, fax 860-928-6701, Tunics $65, also Togas and Cloaks, 100 percent wool. Deepeeka
helmets, weapons, and accessories (see below).
Soul of the Warrior--Rusty Myers, 104 Hunters Wood Drive,
Summerville, SC 29485. 843-437-5587, . Deepeeka equipment (including more detailed photos), other items
on the way, plus reviews of gear from various sources. In house Balteus, Pompeii Gladius, Wax Tablets, hand knit Focale,
Roman games, Jewelry, Roman Tents, and a variety of unique camp items. Some items not pictured, so email them with questions
on specific items. As a bonus they are Re-enactors and can give you the staright scoop on particular items.
HReplikate-- Holger Ratsdorf, Germany. Fabulous museum-quality reproductions of belt parts, weapons, fibulae,
and more. His site takes a little digging to get through, but click "English" first, then head for the Katalog, go for
Roman, then click "Military". Or click on the Roma Aeterna link below for prices in dollars.
Roma Aeterna-- , Dealer for HReplikate in the US.
Roman Legion Quartermaster--Sean Richards, 3210 32nd
St., San Diego, CA 92104-4736, Deepeeka equipment, plus scuta, pilum kits, scutum bosses, etc.
By-the-Sword-- Full line of Deepeeka gear (see below). (Steer clear of the
other brands!)
Maarten Dolmans, Netherlands. artemisia @ planet. nl.
Makes wax tablets, jewelry, mirrors, cosmetic and surgical instruments, clothing, furniture, shoes, small statues, toys, board
games, waterflasks, etc.
Replik--Ringstr. 2, 61130 Nidderau 5, Germany, mail @ replik.
de, Beautiful reproduction jewelry, belt parts (including 2nd-3rd centuries),
and more.
Fabrica--Len Morgan, 69, The Warren, Hardingstone, Northants,
U.K. phone 01604 763136, fatalis @ lineone. net, (Click on Fabrica) Various helmets, armor, shields, belts, etc
(but Imperial Gallic eyebrows are soldered on). Inquire for prices and details.
Esford--Colin & Jenny Tribe, Australia, 61 7 38921169
(from outside Australia), 07 38921169 (from Australia), Deepeeka gear and other stuff.
Armae--General supplier in FRANCE. Deepeeka gear and
custom items. . ( For a translation to English, works pretty well.) is an auction site for reenactors, just be aware that it will have bad things
as well as good! See the page of Things to Avoid.
***Deepeeka Steelcrafts, India--This is the supplier for many vendors. They have a growing line of reasonably
accurate Roman equipment, thanks mainly to the work of Dan Peterson (Legio XIIII, Germany). While these items are far
more accurate than any previous "off the shelf" gear, there are still flaws of various degrees. Their blades are well-shaped,
for example, with excellent hilts, but some are poorly balanced. Helmet neckguards tend to be too wide, and details
which should be soldered are welded or brazed. Details are often inconsistent from one piece to the next though the
overall finish and proportion are generally good. BEWARE: Deepeeka also makes a large number of items which are NOT
accurate (these are not Dan's fault!), and many vendors offer them without any distinction between the good stuff and the
bad! Prices and availability will vary from vendor
to vendor.
Dean Cunningham, Metalsmith--Portland, OR. satans_lackey
@ ya hoo. com, EXCELLENT helmets and lorica bosses.
Christian Fletcher,2825 Bright St, Nampa, ID 83687.
Orders 1-888-390-7778, For Inquiries Call (208) 467-7778, Fax (208) 467-9472, Helmets, excellent sword scabbards, etc.
Manning Imperial--Craig Sitch, P.O. Box 27 Redan, Vic Australia
3350. Phone 03 5338 8995, A couple of the Roman helmets shown look a little odd, but these are
old photos and his recent ones are outstanding. Also swords, daggers (specify steel for the hilt and scabbard, rather
than brass), shield bosses, etc.
Whyt-Hawk Armoury--JB Pickerel, Rt 8 Box 237, Ozark, AL 36360, Nice lorica segmentata, also planning to experiment with bosses, swords,
Scott Jenquin--jenq0001 @ yah oo. com. Stamped lobed
lorica segmentata hinge blanks (Corbridge A or B), set of 16 halves (for the 8 hinges on a lorica) c. $20. Various thicknesses
(c. .020" to .025" is good)
Stahlhelm Armoury--Warren Ormsby-Green, New Zealand. Nice-looking Gallic G (though really an H), and the Coolus E in brass
is nice, too (assuming the neckguard is not riveted on).
Medieval Reproductions--Peter Fuller, 24 Country Hills Gate
N.W., Calgary, Alberta. T3K 5C8, CANADA. 403-262-6220, Fax 403-262-6220, Not cheap, but does very nice custom work.
Forth Armoury--Steve Sheldon, 1-770-815-5323, fax 1-866-234-4721, Riveted mail, plus loose rings and rivets--made for medieval mail,
however, so rings are all flat in section and rivets are wedges (rather than round-wire rings and round rivets as Romans usually
Erik D. Schmid--Completely accurate lorica hamata, alternating
rows of solid and riveted iron rings, made to order,
Historic Enterprises--Jeff Hedgecock, 17228 Voorhes Lane,
Ramona, CA 92065-7109. 760-789-2299. Offers a riveted mail hauberk (and loose rings by the pound)
which could be modified into a very authentic lorica hamata, c. $800.
The Ring Lord--Jon Daniels, Box 290C RR6, Saskatoon, Sk, Canada
S7K 3J9. 306-374-1335 (9am-11pm CST), Mail and rings for making it, in a wide variety of sizes and
materials, plus custom work. (The finished riveted shirts look like Indian imports.) for making riveted mail, with instructions
Anshelm Arms & Armor--Brent Junkins (Luther Anshelm),
San Bernardino, CA 909-881-8629. Imp-Italic G $375. Excellent metalwork, but send good specs. (This is very
old information!)
Wareham Forge--Darrell Markewitz, Ontario, Canada. Reenactor supplies and other ironwork.
Hot Black Creations--Glenn Stokes, Australia, hot_black_creations
@ bigpond. com (Products and quality unknown)
Sheet metal shops can cut strips for you, or maybe all parts given accurate
patterns; some also sell metal by the pound.
A Metal Spinning Directory-- For spun helmet bowls, etc.
For genuine wrough iron, see The Real Wrought Iron Company, UK--
Morrow's Blade and Blacksmith Shop--Mark Morrow, 6829 Cotton
Wood Rd., Harrison, AR 72601, swordsmith2001 AT alltel. net, . Excellent and inexpensive hand-forged sword blades (c. $8 to $10 per blade inch), pilum and spear heads, bosses, etc.
David Hare--UK, pompeiiswords AT btinternet DOT com.
Wonderful Pompeii gladii, several different styles of scabbard fittings, c. £250-£300. Click image for a larger view
of 3 samples.

Pedro Bedard, 375 Boyd Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2W
1P4, 204-586-8642, lilgeekboy AT yahoo. com. Hand-forged tanged pilum head with ferrule, c. $40 plus shipping.
Can also do other ironwork.
Dave Akers, Gunther3698 AT aol. com. Scutum bosses, pilum heads and hardware, etc.
Stilicho's Anvil, Blacksmith -- Spear and Pilum heads, shield bosses, etc.
Grozer Traditional Recurve Bows--Hungary. Various types of recurve bows, using various materials. Impressive!
Traditional Archery Scandinavia -- Composite recurve bows.
Kassai: Traditional Horseback Archery --
--with US supplier, Boswell, 8120 Parke Creek Rd., Ellensburg
Wa, 98926, 509-968-3051. Possible source for compound recurve bows?
Peavey Manufacturing Co.--PO Box 129, Eddington, ME 04428.
Toll free: 1-888-244-0955, 207-843-7861. "Dowels and Squares are available in different sizes of hardwood.
Doweling capabilities from 6" to 16' long and 3/4" to 2 1/2" diameter. We can supply all your dowel needs, to meet your
specifications." Ask about pilum shafts!
Deepeeka's Linen and Hide-covered
shields are now much improved and are acceptable for use. But at the moment they only come pre-painted, so if you want
your own emblem you need to repaint. Since it must be assumed that casein or milk paints will not adhere to the existing
paint, this is still a problem for Legio XX members. Deepeeka claims to offer any of their shields as unpainted "blanks",
but it is not known if this includes boss and rim. Check price and availability with the vendors above.
The next best option may be Roman
Legion Quartermaster (above), but specify 1/4" wood (2 layers of 1/8") and the size that you want.
See also the page on the Scutum.
HReplikate--see General section, above. Wide selection of beautiful parts, decent prices.
Albion Armorers, see General section, above. Three types of belt plate, 2 different apron terminals, and
apron studs. (But the complete belt they sell is a Deepeeka, not good.)
Raymond's Quiet Press--Ray Moseley, PO Box 27672, Albuquerque,
NM 87125, (see the "Roman Jewelry" section). First century cast buckles, pugio
frogs, and plates, plus hamata hooks and studded satchel ring. Also fabulous 4th century belt fittings.
Mercia Sveiter, UK, A variety of belt parts and other items from several centuries.
Nolan, UK: nodge.nolan @ breathemail. net. Highly recommended!
Historical Stud & Buckle Company--Tim Finkas, 3593 Olive
Ave, Long Beach, CA 90807, A possible source, ask him what he can do for you.
Deepeeka still has not come up with
an acceptable belt. They do have some excellent buckles and decent frogs, and some usable plates and terminals, so perhaps
they can be persuaded to sell unassembled parts. See the pages on Military Belt and Things to Avoid.
METAL--Brass, Bronze, Steel, etc.
 | --"The Small Quantities Specialist" --PO Box 19271, Seattle,
WA 98109. 800-704-2157, or 206-285-8603, Fax: 800-533-6350. Brass sheet and tube, shim brass (.010", .015", etc.) in rolls 6"x100", etc.
Specializing in small orders. |
Alaskan Copper and Brass --PO Box 3546 Seattle, WA 98124.
206-623-5800. Shim brass and lots more.
Anchor Bronze & Metals, Inc. - 11470 Euclid Avenue #509,
Cleveland, Ohio 44106. Fax: 216-803-1151, A wide variety of tin bronzes available, including real tin bronzes
such as copper alloy no. C90700.
Atlas Bronze--445 Bunting Ave., Trenton, NJ 08611. Toll-free:
877-554-0443. Real tin bronzes in cast bar form! Other alloys similar to Roman
brasses and bronzes in bar or sheet.
Ney Metals-- Tin, solder, and other "white metals".
Enco-- Tools and metal
MonsterSlayer-- Red brass sheet and wire (also silver, yellow brass, and copper),
plus jewelry-making tools and supplies
A Metal Spinning Directory-- For spun helmet bowls, etc.
The Real Wrought Iron Company, UK-- Genuine wrough iron.
Sheet metal shops can cut strips for you, or maybe all parts given accurate
patterns; some also sell metal by the pound.
Industrial Quick
Search: Industrial Manufacturers Directory-- Practically any industry you could want.
See also the page
on Armoring Hints
R. J. Leahy Company, 486 Eighth Street, San Francisco, CA
94103. 800-514-4106 or 415-861-7161, Fax: 415-863-2756. Rivets, brass sheet, bronze nails, brass escutcheon pins, etc., all
Hanson Rivet and Supply Co., 2727 San Fernando Rd., Los Angeles,
CA 90065. 323-227-4000, FAX 323-221-5300, 800 - RRRIVET (800-777-4838), Wide selection, will even make rivets to order.
C-S Metals, 7325 Washington Blvd, Baltimore, MD. 800-284-5551.
$50 minimum purchase. Also brass sheet and rod, etc.
JAY-CEE Sales & Rivet Inc., 32861 Chesley Dr., Farmington,
MI 48336. 810-478-2150, or 1-800-521-6777.
Clendenin Brothers, 4309 Erdman Ave., Baltimore, MD, 410-327-4500.
$50 min. purchase.
Bee Industries, Inc., PO Box 347 Watertown, WI 53094, 800-558-0142.
Leather Unlimited--7155 Highway B, Belgium, WI 53004.
920-994-9464, fax 920-994-4099, toll-free order line 800-993-2889, 2-ounce vegetable-tanned calfskin (catalog says hides, 14 square feet,
but they are really sides, 7 square feet), and much more. Good prices and good service.
Leather Factory--1818 N. Cameron St. PO Box 50429 Harrisburg,
PA 17110. 800-233-7155. Visit their warehouse to find items not shown in their catalog.
Texas Wholesale Leather, 1-800-477-9923, Their "Manufacturer's Select Tooling Sides" are very nicely priced,
and check their Specials for cheap Bellies and other deals.
Tricks of the Trade--Wayne and Barbara Groves, Village Centre,
PO Box 342, Great Falls, VA 22066. 703-759-4565. Smallish selection of leathers, but good for dyes, horeshair,
tools, etc.
Moscow Hide and Fur--PO Box 8918, Moscow, Idaho 83843.
208-882-0601, fax: 208-882-5715. Leather, hides (including bear and wolf), horn and antler, etc.
Springfield Leather Co.--1463 S. Glenstone Ave., P.O. Box
3301, Springfield, MO 65808. 1-800-668-8518, 417-881-0223, Fax: 417-881-4953,
CLPW Leather and Leathercraft Supplies --The Leather Shop.
1482 Madison Ave., Memphis, TN 38104,
Corral Leathers--One Peatfield St., Ipswich, MA 01938. 617-356-5701,
or 1-800-343-8120.
Zack White Leather--1515 Main St., PO Box 315 Ramseur, NC
27316. 1-800-633-0396. Catalog $2, mentions goat leather.
Siegel of California --1-800-862-8956, 805-686-2700, FAX:
Kentucky Leather & Hides--Michael and Penny Wayne.
PO Box 160, Glendale, KY 42740. 270-369-8474, Wide selection, very helpful.
Tails and Tack--Stephanie Acuna, 513-265-2462, tailsandtack
@ yahoo. com. Horsehair in 1-pound bundles, 30-45 inches long, can custom-dye to any color.
Van Dyke's Taxidermy-- Glass eyes, fake fur, etc.
(See also the page on Leather Working Hints)
Saddlers Den--Chris Taylor, 60 Norwood Ave., Southport PR9
7EQ United Kingdom. Telephone (01704) 228370, . Caligae, leather satchels and kit bags, scutum covers, and more.
William Stephenson Leather Crafts --NOTE: He has gotten backlogged
and is trying to catch up, so please be patient. 2881 Molly St., Riverside, CA 92506-4316, 909-784-5202, Uilliam @ a
o l. com. $125.00 (US) plus shipping, handling, and tax (where applicable). Custom made from 8/9 oz vegetable
tanned leather, steel conical hobnails (Click on the thumbnail): |
Also 2nd-3rd century shoes (Click on each
thumbnail): |
Sara Juniper Handsewn Boots and Shoes --109 Woodmancote, Dursley,
Gloucestershire GL11 4AH, UK, +44 (0)1453 545675, Several styles of Roman shoes.
Tremont Steelcut Nails, PO Box 111, Wareham, MA 02571. 800-842-0560, "Decorative Wroughthead SteelCut Nails" Black Oxide version 5/8" length
(#CW-58M), c. $9.75/lb (c. 295 nails/lb), or 5 lbs for c. $39.
Paul Royce, Legio X Fretensis--set of 125 hobnails (Tremont
Wroughthead type) for $8,
C.S. Pierce Co., 135 Oak Hill Way, PO Box 3750, Brockton,
MA 02404-3750. 508-587-1101. "4/8 round head hob nail" w/ 1/2-inch clinching shank (made for leather), $20.85/lb.
plus shipping. About 360 nails/lb.
M.J. Cahn Co., Inc., 510 West 27th St., New York, NY 10001,
212-563-7292, . Excellent linens, very inexpensive, including white and heavy natural
Belgian. Also wools. Ten or 20 yard minimum. Ask for samples of what you are interested in.
Phoenix Textiles,
K&K Historic Fabrics, LTD (Dennis L. Krowe) 2372 Rose
St., Scotch Plains, NJ 07076. Perfect madder red wool, plus white, etc. c. $20 per yard.
Hamilton Dry Goods, 2510 Randolph Rd., Cookeville, TN 38506.
Timeless Textiles, 1742 Hershey Rd., Elizabethtown, PA 17022.
717-361-2253, fax 717-361-2558,
Guss Woolen, L.L.C. -- 419 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD
21201, 410-539-1993.
Burnley & Trowbridge Co. --Angela and Jim Burnley, 108
Druid Drive, Williamsburg VA 23185. 757-253-1644. jasburn @ aol. com. Fabric and more. Catalog and Swatches
PA. Fabric Outlet --6563 Baltimore National Pike (Rte. 40),
Catonsville, MD 21228, 410-747-4940.
A1 Fabrics-- Inexpensive wools.
Family Heirloom Weavers --125 O'San Lane, Red Lion, Pa 17356,
Other Linen sources available through
George Weil Fibercrafts--Old Portsmouth Road, Peasmarsh, Guildford,
Surrey, GU3 1LZ, phone (+44)1483 565800, Fax (+44)1483 565807, Yarns, natural dyes, instructions, etc.
Carolina Calicoes-- 820 Aull Street, Sumter, SC 29153, (803)
481-4652, Wool and linen, c. $10 per yard. Ask about things not shown
on site.
Hemp Traders-- Hemp canvas and "linens", a historically acceptable alternative to
flax linen.
Robin and Russ Handweavers--533 North Adams St., McMinnville,
OR 97128, . Various yarns, cords, fibers, as well as looms, etc., Home of the Discriminating General-- Madder red wool, $13.50/yard, 5 yard minimum. and wool, good prices. Lots of wools--swatches for $5. a huge selection, but inexpensive linen.
Day Basket Co., 110 W. High St., North East, MD 21901. 410-287-6100,
or 800-382-3105. For shields or baskets.
Royalwood, Ltd., Basketweaving & Caning Supplies--517
Woodville Rd., Mansfield, Ohio 44907. 419-526-1630, 1-800-526-1630. Waxed linen thread in several sizes.
Arnie's Arts 'n Crafts --3741 W. Houghton Lake Drive, Houghton
Lake, MI 48629. 800-563-2356. Split wood strips
Plain bone doggie chews (not flavored or filled) from pet supply stores
make perfect sword grips, or can be cut up for combs, etc. About $3.
Crafty Celts -- Some very nice brooches, etc.
Foudah International Trade Inc.--(H. Taha, Export Manager)
4, Mohamed Helmy Ibrahim St., Champloion, Cairo, Egypt. Phone 5754313, phone & fax 5759809. PAPYRUS in 33-foot
scroll 9 inches wide, $18.00 (apparently including shipping). Also papyrus sheets 8"x12", 12"x16".
Mark Taylor and David Hill--Fabulous reproduction Roman glassware!
Unit 11, Project Workshop, Lains Farm, Quarley, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 8PX, United Kingdom. Phone and Fax: +44 (0)
1264 889688,,
Tuckahoe Trading Company--4104 Holland Blvd, Suite 111, Chesapeake,
VA 23323. 757-487-1815, FAX: 757-487-9748, Excellent Roman glass vase, with Samian Ware and more on the way!
Gilbert Burroughes--"Ambleside", Chediston, Halesworth, Suffolk
IP19 0AQ , UK (no email or website). Perfect Samian pottery!
Venetian Cat Pottery Studio--Julia Passamonti-Coamartino,
292 Concord Lane, East Wakefield, NH 03830. 603-522-6518 Mon-Fri 8 AM-5 PM, Sat 8 AM-1 PM Eastern time, Samian Ware!
Past Times--7201 Intermodal Dr., Louisville, KY 40258.
800-621-6020. Jewelry and household items with ancient styles and motifs.
Moonstone Pottery--(Barbara Flynn) 1439 6th St., Los
Osos, CA. 805-528-6890. Perfect oil lamps, $23.
Gaukler Medieval Wares--1052 Amphion St., Victoria, B.C.,
Canada V8S 4G3. 250-595-1104. Excellent 2nd Century ceramic lamps with hanging lugs,
Ancient Oil Lamps-- Only $8 each, but if not glazed they may leak oil.
The Magic of Fire from Steel--Mike Ameling, 1201 360th Street,
Dorchester, Iowa 52140, 1-563-546-7902, Flint strikers (for making fire) and other items.
HReplikate, Holger Ratsdorf, Germany. Fabulous museum-quality reproductions of fibulae, weapons, and more.
If the English section of the catalog is not complete, try
Aurificina Treverica--Germany. High-quality jewelry, weapons, etc.
Vindolanda Online shop, Repro jewelry usually with modern pins; also books, etc.
Museum Reproductions, 52 Stonehills Lane, Runcorn, Cheshire
WA7 5UL, United Kingdom, phone 01928 566689, A couple hundred repro Roman and Celtic coins, plus a few repro artifacts.
All are shown "aged", but can be delivered "as new" upon request. Prices are very low.
FORVM TRAIANI --Germany. Wax tablets, pottery, glass, mosaics, and more, all very good with
good prices.
The Hoard, England. Four different fibulae, and "Other
fibulae, sword and belt fittings available."
Talbot's Fine Accessories-- Douglas W. Strong, 1 Wooded Lane,
Hawthorn Woods, IL 60047-8541. 847-719-2767, Offers a beautiful Roman bronze brooch for $30, cast from an original. Also
many antiquities.
CCAA, Glasgalerie Koln--Cologne, Germany, Reproduction Roman glassware, "high-end" prices but fabulous.
McMaster-Carr -- . The biggest selection of the best tools, plus metal, rivets, and
Harbor Freight Tools--3491 Mission Oaks Blvd., Camarillo,
CA 93011-6010. 1-800-423-2567, fax 1-800-905-5220. Inexpensive tools of all sorts, though not necessarily the best quality.
National Supply Corporation-- Tools, metal, etc.
Lee Valley Tools--In the US, P.O. Box 1780, Ogdensburg, NY
13669-6780, 1-800-267-8735. In Canada, P.O. Box 6295, Station J, Ottawa, ON K2A 1T4, 1-800-267-8761. Tools as well as square-cut iron nails, bronze nails, various fittings.
(See also the page on Armoring Hints)
Sands of Time --Sue McGovern, 3003 P St., Washington,
DC. 202-342-0518, Open Monday through Friday 10-4, Saturday 10-7.
Freeman & Sear--Coins and Antiquities,
Greg Thompson, Money-Changers, Los Angeles, CA; 310-575-1935
Imperium Ancient Arts--William Bradford, PO Box 1897 Wells,
ME 04090, cassius622 @ a o l. com
Peknithia Antiquities and Miniatures--
Edgar L. Owen, Ltd.-- Antiquities, Ancient Coins, etc.
Royal Athena Galleries-- High-end merchandise but nice to look at!
Home Furnishings, Action Figures, Models, and More
Lawman Studios--Tony Moreschi, Fine art, portraits, prints, T-shirts, etc.
Design Toscano-- Statuary, furniture, etc.
Recuperando--Italy. Classical statuary, furniture, architectural fittings and objects,
Tommy's Toys-- 12 inch Action figures (GI Joe type) of Romans, Crusaders, and Vikings.
CAVEAT EMPTOR--Don't let your enthusiasm and excitement let
you get ripped off. There are dozens of places from which you can buy "authentic" "Roman" items, only to find out later
that they are not authentic at all. Please check with the Commander before buying any finished items from any source
not on this list.