Eatonton Georgia
Leg XI host
Mini Castra & SOTW
Explorations in Antiquity
La- Grange Georgia
Leg XI host
May 5, 2012
Show up and dress up
JCL National Convention
Junior Classical League
Wake Forest University
Leg VI and XI Hosts
July 27-29
**Castra Level Event, SOTW**
Roper Mountain Castra
Greenville SC
Roper Mountian Science Center
Leg VI and XI Host
Sept 8, 2012
Mini-Castra, SOTW
Castra Romana 2012
Givhans Ferry SC
Leg VI host
November 2012
Castra Lafe 2013
Lafe, Arkansas
Leg II host
Georgia Junior Classical League
Emory University, Atlanta GA
Leg VI and XI Hosts
Coming in Summer, 2014
**Castra Level Event, SOTW**