Legion Armory
Basic Kit

Perfect for new Soldiers


Ordering Information | PRICE LIST *Updated with NEW items*! | Deluxe Kit | Basic Kit | Weapons Kit | Centurion Kit | Roman Helmets | Horsehair Crests | Feather Crest | Torso Armours | Roman Tunica | Sagum Cloak | Balteus/Cingulum Militaire | Greaves | Caligae | Pilum | Gladius | Rudius | Vitis | Phalaerae | Roman Baldric | Pugio | Scutum | Canteen | Leather Water Bottle | Patera | Dolabra | Roman Marching Satchel (Armae) | Roman Marching Satchel (Saddler's Den) | Praetorian Standard | Vexillum | Roman Camp Stool | Oil Lamps | Parchment | Wax Writing Tablets | Other Roman Items | Gladiators | Other Suppliers

New to the Hobby? Here is the best way to get involved quickly! Be sure to check out our Weapons Kit page to complete the ensemble!

Gallic G Helm, Tan Crest, Crest Mount, Lorica Segmentata, Balteus with Apron Guard, Caligae, Red Wool Tunic

$600 plus shipping


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